New (Pseudonymous) Hotness

I have been blogging as “Loud” for what must be close to 5 years now. While I still feel that’s who I am, a new project that I’m working on (stay tuned) presented me with a challenge. I’m going to be analyzing science fiction and fantasy narratives in an academic context, and – should the project become successful – may feel the desire to publish my work. Unfortunately, I’m not sure that you can author an academic paper as “Loud Blogger”. At the same time, I’d like to connect all (or most) of my online writing under one name and reputation

While I do not, at this moment, fear any particular reprisal for stating my opinions online, I can easily imagine a number of circumstances in which I might begin to do so. The challenge for me, then, was to create a pseudonym that is respectable enough for print media, and which also felt like it fit me.

After much deliberation, I have decided upon just such a name. It is:

Hendrik Willemszen

…or “H. Willemszen” for short.

I hope you like it half as much as I do.

PS: You may still (and are, indeed, encouraged to) refer to me as “Loud”, should that strike your fancy.